Bypakke Grenland bets on bicycle lockers from Bikely
Bypakke Grenland is betting that safe and smart bicycle parking from Bikely will increase the proportion of environmentally friendly journeys. In June, four locations with bicycle lockers opened in Porsgrunn and Skien municipalities. The target group is primarily travelers using public transport.

Opening at Porsgrunn Station on 18 June
Mayor Robin Kåss opened the first ten bicycle lockers in Bypakke Grenland on 18 June. Representatives from the cyclists' national association, corporate sports, Porsgrunn municipality and Bypakke Grenland attended the opening. Project coordinator Lars Martin Sørli demonstrated the solution for the assembly, and Marketing Manager Ellen Loxley answered questions and handed out giveaways to the audience.
The bicycle lockers are placed at Porsgrunn Station and are clearly visible to all travelers. Bypakke Grenland has chosen a payment model of NOK 10 for every twelve hours the bike is parked, suitable for public transport travelers who like to park their bikes for several hours at a stretch.
Opening at Skien Station 25 June< /h3>
-New technology with app-based control of locks updated bicycle boxes as a quick solution to establish safe bicycle parking spaces. It is a scalable solution that can be easily expanded or moved as needed, says communications advisor Birgitte Finne Høifødt in Bypakke Grenland.
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Opening in Skien 25/6/20 by mayor Hedda Five.
With the opening in Skien, the remaining three locations at Skien Stasjon, Siljan and Skjelsvik were opened. The goal is for the four locations to create a synergy effect that makes more people aware of the new cycling offer.
Collective hubs
Skjelsvik and Siljan are two important public transport hubs in Grenland. About half of the workforce in Siljan commutes to nearby municipalities. Now they can park the bike in the Bikely bike locker and travel on by public transport. Skjelsvik Bus Terminal is close to the E18 and is used by travelers to and from Oslo.
For now, the bike lockers at Porsgrunn Station are by far the most popular. An increase is expected at the other locations after the summer holidays.
Birgitte Finne Høifødt is excited about the results:
-In order to succeed in increasing the number of combined journeys by public transport and bicycle, there has been a demand solutions for safe bicycle parking spaces at public transport hubs. There are many people today who are reluctant to park electric bicycles or other expensive bicycles outside in public spaces for a little longer at risk of theft or damage.
About the project
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1.5 million has been set aside in government reward funds to establish bicycle boxes in Grenland through the project "Safe bicycle parking at collective junctions." It must cover boxes at all four locations and operation for a minimum of 5 years. So far, one million has been spent. The scheme must be evaluated after approx. half a year.
Introducing Smart Bike Lockers at Fyllingsdalen Terminal
At Bikely, we are proud to partner with Bergen kommune and provide solutions that align with their commitment to promoting sustainable transportation options and improving infrastructure for cyclists.
Why bicycle lockers are essential for the public transport hub of the future
Today, bike lockers from Bikely are deployed at both subway stations and other public transport hubs around Oslo and Viken county. E-cyclists and bicycle commuters are keen users, and testify that smart bicycle lockers are a natural part of the public transport hub of the future.
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